
Concrete batching plant process description

  The concrete batching plant process can be simply described as followed: particle materials, powder materials, water and additives are weighed and sent to the concrete mixer that mixes the materials into concrete that is discharged into a concrete mixer truck. In spite of differences in models and capacities of concrete plants, the process is more or less the same.
concrete batching plant process

  Particle materials, including aggregates of varied sizes and sand, are poured into a batching machine (with 2, 3 or 4 hoppers matching aggregates of a certain size) which weighs the materials of each size and sends the appropriate amount of materials to a belt conveyor (sometimes a bucket feed with small plants). The conveyor connects the tank of the concrete mixer. In the meantime, powder silos begin send cement and ash through screw conveyors connecting silos and the mixer. These powder materials are weighed to make sure that an accurate ratio of them will be sent into the mixer tank. Additives and water are dealt with in a similar way. When all these materials are ready in the tank, the mixer begins its work with a set period of time. Then the outlet door of the tank opens, allowing ready mix concrete falling into a concrete mixer truck or other delivery vehicle right under the outlet mouth.

  It seems simple as described above. In actual practice, however, the concrete batching plant process proves to be more complicated, for it entails operation of the control system which falls on varied types: manual, semi-manual and full automatic, and the operation steps vary to a certain degree as well. That’s why it’s crucial to have a well trained operating staff before getting a concrete mixing plant into work.